Going from Employee to Self-Employed!

Starting in September Aspyre Solutions will be launching our Small Business Consulting services, a jump-start program for all the entrepreneurial-minded folks who are planning, or in the process of transition from employee to self-employed!

If you’ve had the idea in the back of your mind that working for yourself is your ultimate career goal and you’re holding onto that exciting idea that you’ve yet to materialize, then I invite you to learn more about “Small Biz Start-Up!”, an inclusive program specially designed for those with an established business goal, and who seek support, accountability and a big dose of HOW-TO, to walk you through the start-up process. We cover everything from selecting the right type of business entity for your start-up, to understanding small business tax guidelines, to identifying your target market, sales objectives and value proposition… and everything in between.

That “side gig” can easily become your self-sustaining career, with a little TLC and the right kind of coaching and planning to build a solid foundation and well-conceived strategy. Flexibility to build your own schedule is great. Being your own boss is even better. How about having full discretion over the types of projects you take on, the work you do, the clients you work with, and the ability to build something that resonates with who you are creatively?

More information coming soon. Contact dana@aspyresolutions.com for more details.

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1 Comment on "Going from Employee to Self-Employed!"

13 years 3 months ago

Great solution how we make employe to self employeeeeeee i like to read this topic i will also apply to it on my business thanks it support services