Resume writer, design junkie, & founder of Brooklyn Resume Studio and Los Angeles Resume Studio. I write about career management, job searching, freelancing, creativity, and work-life balance. Proud Brooklynite, craft beer enthusiast, tattoo collector, and personal branding strategist.
Through my various ventures, I have helped thousands of professionals in  advertising, marketing, design, multimedia and other industries in creating the career plans, freelance ventures and small businesses that ultimately allow them to make a living doing the work they are passionate about.
I’ve presented seminars on navigating careers, transition and work-life balance to several colleges and universities, and my advice has been featured on MSN Careers, Fox Business News, NewsDay,, GlassDoor and
I also have a really expensive piece of paper denoting my academic dabbles in Communications and Visual Arts from a big little University in Boston.  Still paying that one down, one resume at a time.